Ask a businessman if he believes in a higher power, and his answer could equally be yes or no. Ask a lawyer, a bus driver, your family doctor, a fast food worker, a courthouse clerk, your hair stylist, and they might say yes or they might say no. Ask a farmer — male, female, young, old, new, experienced — if they believe in a higher power, and the answer is almost always yes.
The truth is that farmers can control certain aspects of farming, but there are many other factors that are simply out of their hands. They control things like what seeds are purchased, how many seeds are planted, and harvest methods, for example. But a farmer is completely helpless in controlling one of the biggest factors for success – the weather. It doesn’t rain for a while? The crops dry up. It rains too much? The bees can’t pollenate. A hurricane or tornado comes through? Potential devastation. It’s a harsh and unfortunate reality that farmers know very well.
So how do they deal with this sense of helplessness? Hope – hope that comes from faith in a higher power. This hope allows them to let go of the many pieces of farming that they can’t control.
Our Director of Agriculture is no stranger to hope, faith, and farming. “Everyday I walk out into the field. If there’s a problem, I say, ‘God, look — I can’t do this without you,’” says Austin. “I’m not in control. I don’t know how anybody could farm without faith.”
Austin is not alone in his faith in God for success in the field. Right now hanging in the main office is a decree signed by Mrs. Wanda, Mr. Kent, Austin, and Courtney, publicly announcing that the God of heaven and earth is the Lord of Southern Valley, and that we commit to feeding the nations all for His glory. Right beside the decree hangs our mission statement which reads, “to provide premier produce to all segments of the economy while operating in a family oriented environment that brings glory to God.”
The truth is that we simply could not farm without faith. And all of it is for His glory.