Our team came back from the Southern Exposure Produce Show exhausted, but also energized from a great time with co-workers and customers. If you weren’t at the show or didn’t get the chance to stop by our booth, here’s a little taste of what was going on at Booth 402:
As we’ve talked and reflected on the show over the course of the past week, we’ve reminisced about how much the show has grown over the last fifteen years, as well how pleased we were with the how the show went off as a whole. As happy as we were with the relationships with customers that were built or strengthened over the course of the week, we couldn’t help but note the teamwork it took to make our booth at the show a possibility.
It took the greenhouse crew starting each plant as a seed in the greenhouse. It took worn hands at the farm in Yucatan picking product and the more delicate hands of the ladies on the packing line washing it prior to shipping it our way. It took our packing house here in Georgia picking out the best of our best to be on display. It took two men at our operation – including Southern Valley’s CEO and President, Kent Hamilton – to painstakingly build the wall and the shelves that served as our booth’s backdrop. It took a group of burly logistics men housed in our office to pack the booth up and ship it to the show, then break it back down and ship it back at the end. It took a group of fierce salesmen wheeling and dealing to every current or potential customer who walked by. It took a staff of people back at the office keeping the place running so that our team could be at the show. It took crews in the fields in Georgia, Yucatan, and Tennessee seeding, planting, and harvesting in preparation for their respective seasons.
No two people had the same role at the show last week, but from the greatest to the least at Southern Valley, each of us did have a role.
You see, our booth didn’t start at the show. It started thirty years ago with four men, 100 acres, and a dream. Nothing happened last week that wasn’t put into motion thirty years ago and then nurtured, grown, and perfected over the last three decades. If it weren’t for the seeds planted – literally and figuratively – thirty years ago, there would have been no show to attend last week.
We are so proud to be #30andStillGrowing!